Tweet 05/12/2017 11:57 AM @ParkRoadJuniors choir recording pieces for @BBCSoP choir competition - now auditioning soloist for School Carol Service. Sounds great boys. 0 0 2017 05/12/2017
Tweet 06/12/2017 09:39 PM Following on from my comments in @ParkRoadJuniors newsletter, a reminder of the importance of working together to keep pupils safe online… 0 0 2017 06/12/2017
Tweet 08/12/2017 09:40 PM Was great to see you there.… 0 0 2017 08/12/2017
Tweet 08/12/2017 11:00 PM Was lovely to see @doc_kristy down @ParkRoadJuniors - do feel free to visit any time - always keen to develop links with Snr colleagues… 0 0 2017 08/12/2017
Tweet 12/12/2017 08:06 PM A fabulous festive performance by @BoltonJnrGirls this evening. Well done girls 0 0 2017 12/12/2017
Tweet 13/12/2017 02:15 PM They look lovely. I have a cake at home which still needs to be iced, perhaps I can pick up some tips from these boys.… 0 0 2017 13/12/2017
Tweet 18/12/2017 10:23 PM Finally watching Bancroft and have just spotted the scene I saw being filmed when out on a History walk with @ParkRoadJuniors Y6 boys last year. 0 0 2017 18/12/2017
Tweet 19/12/2017 09:08 PM And there I was, thinking there would be no video footage. At least in this clip I’ve managed to stay on my feet!… 0 0 2017 19/12/2017
Tweet 20/12/2017 10:08 PM Loving all those fantastic festive jumpers. There was definitely lots of dodgy dancing on display, but lots of fun was had.… 0 0 2017 20/12/2017
Tweet 27/12/2017 08:06 PM Glad to hear you managed to fix it.… 0 0 2017 27/12/2017
Tweet 30/12/2017 04:28 PM Very smart indeed - good use of the leftover sprouts too I might add.… 0 0 2017 30/12/2017
Tweet 02/01/2018 03:19 PM Wow, that was quick work - great stuff.… 0 0 2018 02/01/2018
Tweet 06/01/2018 10:53 AM Children need access to a broad range of subjects, as much to challenge those who may find subjects like English and Maths easier, as to give others the chance to shine and develop potential strength… 0 0 2018 06/01/2018
Tweet 07/01/2018 08:01 PM Looking forward to working with @lancslpds and @ParkRoadJuniors teachers tomorrow - focusing on developing emotional wellbeing and mental health in school 0 0 2018 07/01/2018
Tweet 08/01/2018 09:12 PM Great day in training with @ParkRoadJuniors teachers today. Looking forward to welcoming all of the boys back to school in the morning. Exciting term ahead. 0 0 2018 08/01/2018
Tweet 22/01/2018 04:36 PM Very pleased to be attending with colleagues from @ParkRoadJuniors @BoltonSchool and @BoltonSSIG schools… 0 0 2018 22/01/2018
Tweet 25/01/2018 02:26 PM I am feeling most inspired by the work of these Y5 boys -their stitching work is coming along very well. Fastest stitcher in the class: 7.6 per minute (that’s what happens when a maths teacher joins … 0 0 2018 25/01/2018
Tweet 25/01/2018 08:54 PM Looking forward to hearing all about it from @ParkRoadJuniors @lwhittaker86… 0 0 2018 25/01/2018
Tweet 03/02/2018 09:29 AM Good luck to @ParkRoadJuniors Quiz team taking part in AJIS Quiz today, being held @BGSboys 0 0 2018 03/02/2018
Tweet 07/02/2018 01:05 PM My favourite part of the @ParkRoadJuniors music festival - the choral ensemble class is underway 0 0 2018 07/02/2018
Tweet 08/02/2018 07:51 PM So many different lessons to be learnt from speaking to schools around the world, whether digitally through schemes like Empatico or face to face as with our recent visitors from China… 0 0 2018 08/02/2018
Tweet 08/02/2018 07:54 PM It’s impossible for parents and teachers to avoid thesmy stories in the press about children’s use of social media. Whether we like it or not, the lessons we teach our children now will help to set t… 0 0 2018 08/02/2018
Tweet 22/02/2018 09:29 AM Just had a fascinating conversation with @ParkRoadJuniors Y5 Challenge Group - lots of careful thinking and involved discussion going on. 0 0 2018 22/02/2018
Tweet 22/02/2018 10:16 AM RT @_Reading_Rocks_: Lots signed up already. Get involved!… 0 0 2018 22/02/2018
Tweet 22/02/2018 06:54 PM We’ve had that conversation at home too - seemingly the dilemma is what dog to get so it can be taken to work. Lots of exciting talk about coding too though. Thank you @UKFast… 0 0 2018 22/02/2018
Tweet 23/02/2018 03:21 PM An interesting day, working with classes I don’t usually see - learnt about the new skills @ParkRoadJuniors Y5 boys have developed during half term, created E-books with Y5 and now discussing who own… 0 0 2018 23/02/2018
Tweet 23/02/2018 10:27 PM After all that, a bit of Y3 hockey and then a wonderful evening watching George’s Marvellous Medicine @The_Lowry with @ParkRoadJuniors AGT English pupils… 0 0 2018 23/02/2018
Tweet 23/02/2018 10:28 PM Well done @ParkRoadJuniors U10 footballers - wins for all four teams… 0 0 2018 23/02/2018
Tweet 24/02/2018 09:39 PM That is dedication to the @WorldBookDayUK cause. Look forward to seeing it on Thursday… 0 0 2018 24/02/2018
Tweet 25/02/2018 08:09 AM RT @tes: 'Children need to be surrounded by books and parents need to be supportive to show how this is best achieved. Reading for pleasure… 0 0 2018 25/02/2018
Tweet 25/02/2018 07:18 PM I think that somebody’s been trying out the new skills learnt in the @ParkRoadJuniors teacher Inset this week - well done… 0 0 2018 25/02/2018
Tweet 25/02/2018 08:37 PM Watching a fascinating programme on @BBCFOUR tonight about the power music has to bring people together - this week @ParkRoadJuniors musicians looking forward to joining others from around Bolton, ma… 0 0 2018 25/02/2018
Tweet 25/02/2018 08:48 PM The always impressive @YoYo_Ma working with others to share music from so many different cultures. Empathy with others was a theme of @ParkRoadJuniors 5B assembly earlier this term.… 0 0 2018 25/02/2018
Tweet 25/02/2018 09:12 PM Perhaps a future project for @EmpaticoOrg… 0 0 2018 25/02/2018
Tweet 28/02/2018 07:58 PM Thanks to Mrs Lockett’s amazing costume cupboard, I think most @ParkRoadJuniors teachers are now kitted out ready for @WorldBookDayUK tomorrow - @ParkRoadTeacher’s dragon tail may also be making an a… 0 0 2018 28/02/2018
Tweet 28/02/2018 09:00 PM A first attempt to use animation in Keynote @lwhittaker86 - much work still to be done before I get it right. Tomorrow, I will be a character from this classic. 0 0 2018 28/02/2018