Tweet 13/02/2014 10:40 PM RT @BoltonEnglish: ... But the Y10 final was won by Aman Kumar with an outstanding presentation entitled, 'Why Gaming will save the world'.… 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:40 PM RT @BoltonSchCareer: KPMG Summer Vacation Programme - Year 12. Deadline for applications to Mr Lees (boys) or Mrs Lowe (girls) is thursday… 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:42 PM Celebration assembly this morning - so much to mention - including success for @BSBDMUN @SportatBolton and @DofE awards to present 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:42 PM also good to present Gold Reading Awards this morning at celebration assembly 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:44 PM Very much enjoyed judging the year 10 presentations this lunchtime. 5 great talks. 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:47 PM Keep up to pace with live @ParkRoadJuniors with the blogs at 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 13/02/2014 10:50 PM Pleased that Manchester House, one of our four houses @BoltonSchool has decided on a motto and made a 'coat of arms' - great idea. 0 0 2014 13/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 09:17 AM Just enjoyed the year 8 vaulting final - amazing athleticism 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:08 PM Reason 5 for joining @BoltonSchool sixth form-Small class sizes-an average of 9 or 10 students per class - personal, specialised assistance 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:10 PM RT @BoltonSchool: Bolton School and Friends' Gala Concert was a full house at the Victoria Hall: 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:11 PM RT @ParkRoadTeacher: Bolton School kids learn Mandarin Chinese (From The Bolton News)… 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:12 PM RT @I_LearnChinese: #LearnChinese Bolton School kids learn Mandarin Chinese - The Bolton News: The Bolton NewsBolton School kids l... http:… 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:12 PM RT @BoltonSchAlumni: OB Steve Abbott was one of the judges at the @KPMG Enterprise Final held this week @BoltonSchool. Full story at: http:… 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:13 PM RT @BoltonSchool: Year 8 boys spring into Vaulting Competition - brilliant performances from all 6 entrants! http://… 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:14 PM RT @drama_bsbd: Friday eve of #RJ2014 is SOLD OUT, a few rows remain on Weds, Thurs and Sat of run. Fantastic work from cast this half term… 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:15 PM Very interesting morning reviewing all aspects of the year 8 boys - academic work, determination, effort, activities they take part in 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:16 PM Good meeting at lunch about possible book about school for the #Bolton500Education anniversary 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:17 PM Catch up this afternoon on all our Primary liaison activity - thanks to all colleagues who take part - much valued 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:17 PM Half term catch up on libraries - the book award going very well indeed 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 06:18 PM School quiet - best wishes to boys and staff for a refreshing and relaxing half term, taking stock and looking forward 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 08:36 PM @ofqual say is was the persistence of @HMC_Org that led to proper inquiry over quality of marking - clear role for independent schools 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 14/02/2014 08:36 PM RT @ActiveatBolton: HMC HAILS OFQUAL REPORT AS VINDICATION OF CAMPAIGN ON MARKING STANDARDS - HMC… via @HMC_Org 0 0 2014 14/02/2014
Tweet 15/02/2014 11:39 AM RT @Shine_BoltonSch: 96% attendance today for D&T making keyrings and experimenting with colour and the basics of Japanese - not in the sam… 0 0 2014 15/02/2014
Tweet 15/02/2014 11:39 AM RT @Shine_BoltonSch: Fantastic to see new friendships forming across school groups. Real enthusiasm for learning & excitement about new sub… 0 0 2014 15/02/2014
Tweet 15/02/2014 11:39 AM RT @Y10and11atBSBD: If you didn't revise enough for your mocks, next week is the chance to make up for that. 6 hrs each, Monday to Friday, … 0 0 2014 15/02/2014
Tweet 15/02/2014 11:39 AM RT @BoltonSchoolSki: Arrived safely at 11am local time - having problems accesssing hotel`s WiFi so posts mqy be sporadic! 0 0 2014 15/02/2014
Tweet 15/02/2014 02:50 PM RT @iSAMS: We are delighted to announce that Bolton School have chosen iSAMS as their MIS to replace Progresso 0 0 2014 15/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 05:07 PM RT @BoltonEnglish: Happy holidays to Book Club! We're looking forward to seeing your reviews for the @ExcelsiorAward next half term. Keep r… 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 05:20 PM RT @seanduffy77: @Patterdale_Hall just waiting for Bolton Lads & Girls club to arrive - good weekend ahead! 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 05:35 PM RT @bsstrictly: The first episode of Last Tango in Halifax is being shown in South Africa tonight. @BoltonSchool 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 08:17 PM Just used @Socrative to set a revision quiz for year 7 physics - interested to see how the boys use it to help them learn. 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 09:02 PM RT @GuardianEdu: Can character be taught in schools? – @RSAMatthew investigates 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 09:03 PM More on character and resilience - it does make a difference - as a habit of mind it can be 'taught'… 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 09:04 PM @GuardianEdu @RSAMatthew I'd say yes, as a habit of mind, it can. Not in lessons, but by example and ethos of a school 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 16/02/2014 09:06 PM Weather looks rather wet for half term, even for Bolton. Do think of passing the time reading a good book - eloquence starts with reading! 0 0 2014 16/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 01:27 PM Chief scientist warns PM against taking practical marks out of A-levels via @guardian 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 03:12 PM Very much like Notability by @gingerlabs BUT what news on ensuring the webdav back up works well - at present there are still issues? 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 03:13 PM Any other users experiencing some issues with Webdav back up function on @gingerlabs notability? 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 04:34 PM RT @BoltonSchAlumni: OB George Farnworth was the Judge of the BD Gymnastics Competition @BoltonSchool last week. Read about his visit: http… 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 04:34 PM RT @BoltonSchool: Weekly News Review 14 February 2014. There were lots of exciting things going on last week!… 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 04:35 PM RT @BoltonEnglish: Need a half term read? Check out the Spinebreakers site: 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 17/02/2014 04:36 PM RT @SportatBolton: @BoltonSchoolSki @BoltonSchool 0 0 2014 17/02/2014
Tweet 18/02/2014 09:00 AM RT @BoltonSchoolSki: Groups 1 & 2 out for whole day on the mountain. Lunch at mountain restaurant under blue skies. After lunch into 'Frees… 0 0 2014 18/02/2014
Tweet 18/02/2014 09:00 AM RT @BoltonSchoolSki: Day3. Some students kitted up & ready 20 mins before party needs to leave the hotel-very enthusiastic & looking forwar… 0 0 2014 18/02/2014
Tweet 18/02/2014 09:23 AM @ProfSMolyneux But you can choose a library by the number of quality books it has - and there the iPad wins for now 0 0 2014 18/02/2014
Tweet 18/02/2014 09:24 AM A year now since @ParkRoadJuniors colleagues first had iPads - amazing how far we have come already 0 0 2014 18/02/2014