Tweet 18/10/2012 11:34 PM Year 8 set off on Rhineland trip today - a cultural experience for them in Germany and a chance to use the language they stated 6 weeks ago! 0 0 2012 18/10/2012
Tweet 18/10/2012 11:37 PM Looking at the swimming blog at An amazing half term of achievement 0 0 2012 18/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:31 PM Rhineland trip reports in - good crossing and cologne cathedral tower yesterday with swim today. All boys happy 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:33 PM 30 year 7 boys at Patterdale this weekend enjoying activity at the start of half term 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:34 PM Good meet this week at Dfe about independent state school partnerships in sport 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:35 PM Evening to launch SHINE last night - 40 new year 5 from local primary schools to enjoy saturday morning sessions at Bolton school 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:37 PM Discussion about whether maths is invented or discovered at essay society yesterday - interesting debate 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:38 PM Lovely sun to start our first two week half term - hoping that boys will be able to rest, catch up do activities and look ahead 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:39 PM Also hoping that we avoid that last week of November feeling! 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:41 PM “@ladyjamesgaga: @Philip_Britton loving the lunch menu sir!” 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:43 PM Hopefully many boys will aim to develop their #hinterland this half term - always ask questions and learn more 0 0 2012 20/10/2012
Tweet 20/10/2012 04:48 PM “@sdwilliams96: @Philip_Britton going on the Poland trip over half-term to develop my hinterland! #hinterland” enjoy psychology dept trip 0 0 2012 20/10/2012