Tweet 01/10/2012 07:17 PM #HMCconf2012 very good visit to queens Belfast this afternoon - wonderful new library and ict facilities give good ideas for school 0 0 2012 01/10/2012
Tweet 01/10/2012 07:18 PM #HMCconf2012 good discussion about open access, social mobility and independent schools as part of the solution not causing the problem 0 0 2012 01/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 07:56 AM RT @tele_education: Public schools threaten university boycott 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 02:14 PM RT @HMC_Org: Interesting debate on selection at the 2012 HMC Annual Conference. Follow @HMC_Org #HMCconf2012 for more updates from the event 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 02:15 PM RT @HMC_Org: Read the HMC Chairman's Speech from the 2012 Annual Conference - #HMCconf2012 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 02:19 PM Much subjective evidence in Bolton that direct grant in 1950's gave social mobility but Speakers at #HMCconf2012 say no objective evidence. 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 02:38 PM Bolton used as an example of engagement with local areas in #HMCconf2012 chairman speech 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 04:15 PM RT @HMC_Org: @ucas_online Mary Curnock Cook presents stats confirming strength of independent sector in university admissions. #HMCconf2012 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 04:29 PM “@PhysicsNews: We hope you're looking forward to the IOP awards tomorrow #IOPawards” Great teachers and physicists will be celebrated 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 04:36 PM RT @tele_education: Private schools to axe the 'nappy curriculum' for toddlers 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 02/10/2012 05:06 PM RT @sciencemuseum: If you spin a coin twice, what is the probability of getting two heads? Worryingly, 60% of MPs asked got this wrong h ... 0 0 2012 02/10/2012
Tweet 03/10/2012 08:54 AM RT @BBCPallab: Listen to @athenedonald on @BBCr4today in 1 hour on how schools are failing girls who love physics 0 0 2012 03/10/2012