Tweet 21/11/2019 09:10 AM RT @IE_Today: .@BoltonSchool welcomes expert speakers #independentschools @SANSEMEA @theAliceRoberts #SimonArmitage… 0 0 2019 21/11/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 09:02 AM RT @drama_bsbd: An acute eye for patterns in modern life, delivered with northern pragmatism- delighted that #SimonArmitage is our new #Poe… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 28/04/2014 07:42 PM RT @drama_bsbd: Studio set up for GCSE moderation performances. #SimonArmitage's Book of Matches reworked as an #Everyman tale with interwo… 0 0 2014 28/04/2014